Sunday, March 25, 2012

Photo dump

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Today you are locking yourself in the bathroom

Our house is not large - its quite small. Today dear Jackson when you are unhappy you are running to the bathroom and locking the door. Your dad asked if I did this when I was young bc apparently all girls lock themselves in rooms. You are exhausted and fierce - its going to be a long day!

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

To my loves

I am starting a page to store my thoughts and wishes for you. You are my world - my life - my entire being.

I vow to encourage your curiosity, promote your intelligence and foster your ability to love.

This is a private place for me to share with you who I am and why I am the way I am. I grew up different than you - not better, not worse. I vow to never humiliate you but my job is to be your mother, to love you and raise you to be independent, successful men.

You are the reason I live and I adore you both no matter how crazy you make me.

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